Be Wise – How do we suffer?

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - How do we suffer?

If we have placed our faith in Jesus, then we live in faith that while we are small, God is…

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Be Wise – Living in Vanity

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - Living in Vanity

If you succeed in everything you set your hand to, but do not know God, then all of that success…

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Be Wise – All is Vanity

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - All is Vanity

Solomon had all the wisdom, all the wealth, all the power, all the pleasure that anyone could ever possibly have.…

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Be Wise – Proverbs

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - Proverbs

Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly both call to the simple, but they call to drastically different ends. Come and learn…

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Empty Promises

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Empty Promises

Guest Speaker Bill HarrisInstead of promises filled with emptiness, on that first Easter God gave us emptiness that is full…

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Psalm 53

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Psalm 53

All throughout their history, when they were surrounded by evil outside, and betrayed by the evil in their hearts, God’s…

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