Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - How do we suffer?
If we have placed our faith in Jesus, then we live in faith that while we are small, God is…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - Living in Vanity
If you succeed in everything you set your hand to, but do not know God, then all of that success…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - All is Vanity
Solomon had all the wisdom, all the wealth, all the power, all the pleasure that anyone could ever possibly have.…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Be Wise - Proverbs
Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly both call to the simple, but they call to drastically different ends. Come and learn…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Psalm 55
David writes this psalm from a place of pain and suffering the betrayal of a close friend. But he takes…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Empty Promises
Guest Speaker Bill HarrisInstead of promises filled with emptiness, on that first Easter God gave us emptiness that is full…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Guest Speaker Greg MoodyWalking in faith pleases God, but we should expect our faith to bring both testing and reward.…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Psalm 54
Lament is a way for us to honestly express the pain and sorrow of our lives to God, and returning…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Psalm 53
All throughout their history, when they were surrounded by evil outside, and betrayed by the evil in their hearts, God’s…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Psalm 52
There is a constant pull to trust in the power, the wealth, the influence that the world trusts in, but…
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