Dunntown Advent Christian Church
You Lack One Thing
We can be moral people, who try their hardest to not do bad things, but if we love something like…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Faith like a Child
Unless we become like little children – dependent, believing, sincere, indifferent to wealth and power – then we cannot enter…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Proud and the Justified
Two men stand before God. One can list off all his religious credentials, and all the ways that he is…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Always Pray and Never Give Up
Always pray and never give up, because Jesus is coming again! When he does, all the things that are sad…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Kingdom Yet to Come
This is our hope as believers: Jesus is coming again, bringing new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness, and…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Kingdom Already Here
Jesus has come, the visible, tangible manifestation of the Kingdom of God, where every part of that kingdom is completely…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Transforming Power of the Resurrection
The disciples of Friday were devastated, but the Resurrection left them rejoicing. What if we saw that same transformation in…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Behold Your King
In the midst of the palms and the cloaks, in the midst of the shouting crowds, Jesus came to his…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Saved by Faith
When the lepers cried out to Jesus for mercy, he told them to do something unusual. In their obedience, they…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Just Unworthy Servants
The life of the believer is that of an unworthy servant – Whatever evil we do, we trun in repentance…
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