Preparing in Prayer

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Preparing in Prayer

As Jesus teaches us to pray, we are learning to rely on the love and goodness of God our Father,…

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Resurrection Promise

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Resurrection Promise

The historical record and the testimony of the universal church is this: Jesus died, and rose again, and because of…

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The Good Portion

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Good Portion

Jesus said that the pattern of our lives should be oriented around Loving God and Loving Others, but it is…

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The Difference

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Difference

“The Kingdom of God has come near to you!” That is the message these disciples carried – how would the…

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