The Others

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Others

We are being trained by the world to pass everything through the filter of ‘Me’: What’s in it for me?…

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The Transfiguration

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Transfiguration

Every so often we are gifted a glimpse of the glory of the kingdom of God, but we’re not always…

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The Cross of the Christian

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Cross of the Christian

It seems natural, and good even, to seek to build ourselves up – to base our choices on what we…

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The Christ of God

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Christ of God

Who do you say Jesus is? A wise teacher? A good moral example? What if he is more than those…

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God Provides the Champion

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
God Provides the Champion

When confronted with the giant named Goliath, God provided a champion for his people named David. What about us, today?…

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God Provides the Covering

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
God Provides the Covering

The Lord delivered Israel from their slavery in Egypt, and gave them the Passover meal to help them remember his…

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God Provides the Sacrifice

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
God Provides the Sacrifice

The stories that we tell, as a culture, prepare us for what was to come. Today we look at a…

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Confused by Jesus – Suppertime

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - Suppertime

The bread that you are looking for, the bread that satisfies the deepest longings of your heart, is not a…

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Confused by Jesus – The Tetrarch

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - The Tetrarch

As Jesus sends out his disciples to proclaim the good news, Herod is intrigued and concerned by Jesus, but he…

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