Confused by Jesus – The Funeral

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - The Funeral

Living in the “in between times” can be difficult, but that is where we live – in between the promise…

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Confused by Jesus – The Pigs

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - The Pigs

Jesus redeems this man beset by demons, but the community rejects him because of that. Jesus departs, leaving behind the…

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Confused by Jesus – The Storm

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - The Storm

We can spend our lives building sturdy boats, but in the end, if our faith is in our boats rather…

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Confused by Jesus – The Family

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Confused by Jesus - The Family

No matter the person, no matter the position of honor or shame that they hold, every one of us can…

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Jesus the Teacher – The Parable of the Lamp

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Jesus the Teacher - The Parable of the Lamp

In the beginning, God said “Let there be light,” and by his word, there was light where only darkness had…

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Jesus the Teacher – The Parable of the Sower

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Jesus the Teacher - The Parable of the Sower

Is the soil of your heart hard-packed, rocky, or choked with thorns? Or is your heart ready to receive the…

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Jesus, Lord of Forgiveness

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Jesus, Lord of Forgiveness

Do you mean that I can be forgiven and made whole? Do you mean that I can be loved, not…

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Jesus, Lord of Prophets

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Jesus, Lord of Prophets

Everyone has different expectations of Jesus, but one of the challenges of our faith is to be setting aside our…

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Jesus, Lord of Life

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Jesus, Lord of Life

Luke 7:1-17 Jesus can restore all things, regardless of how broken or dead they appear – do you believe that?

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You can’t talk about social media in church!

Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Dunntown Advent Christian Church
You can't talk about social media in church!

We have limited time, and we need to be good stewards of that time and focus on consuming worthwhile media…

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